Thank you to our 1st 4 buyers from Bella’s litter!

You guys are great, making your picks a couple of days before the pick day. Thank You! We do have 2 beautiful little black females remaining. Grace is energetic, loves her people, with her favorite being our 4 year old granddaughter. Hope is quieter, curlier hair and loves to cuddle. Call or text if you would like more information


If you are interested in a future puppy from any of our pairs, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to add you to our waitlist.

Lily’s litter is sold out!

Thank you to Devon and family in NE Iowa for purchasing Lizzy, the final puppy from Lily and Dunkin’s litter. Puppies will all be going to their forever homes in the next 2 weeks. If we have not already, we will be contacting each of you for pickup appointments. 2 of our babies are going to Arkansas, 1 to Iowa and 3 will be staying here in Missouri. We appreciate each of our buyers.

Then there was 1

Congratulations to Brooke and family in Columbia, Mo on the purchase of Lucy. Our final puppy Lizzy is still available if you are wanting one of our 1st litter puppies. Thank you to all of our buyers.

Luna is sold

Congratulations to Julie from Rogers, Arkansas who will be taking Luna to her forever home. Lizzy and Lucy are still available. Thank you to all of our buyers. Delivery is set for around Aug 17.

Louie has sold

Congratulations to our buyer of Louie. He is going to a wonderful home in Arkansas. If you’d like one of our puppies, Lizzy, Luna and Lucy are still available and looking for their forever homes.

Layla has sold

Congratulations to the buyer of Layla. We still have 3 girls and 1 boy available. Reserve yours today.

4 week update

Puppies are growing, playing, and starting their transition to solid foods! They’ve grown so much over the last few weeks! We still have puppies available!

Puppies are growing well

All of Lily’s puppies are healthy and growing well. Puppies from this litter will all be priced at $1250.00. Contact us to reserve yours today.